Your pet will adore this luscious and luxurious Lucy's Pet Bed. It is soft and squishy and just right for comfort. The modern and sculptural look will make this bed look at home in even the finest living room. This pattern includes three fabulous sizes for every pet's needs!
Your Lucy Pet Bed Pattern Requires:
:: 50 - 150 yards of Jumbo Specialty yarn such as (S, M, L)
:: Sharp scissors
:: Needle and thread in coordinating color (optional)
Lucy Pet Beds Pattern comes with How to Hand Crochet Video plus a video making the Small version of the pet bed
• Small Bed: 20” x 17"; Shown in Parchment
• Medium Bed: 26” x 24"; Shown in Blush
• Large Bed: 36” x 28"; Shown in Mushroom (Lucy is shown on the large bed, she is 60 lbs. She would also fit in Medium, but it would be a little tight).
This project is a perfect beginners project with a basic pattern and video showing you the new technique.
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